DRIVE 2021 - Circular & Biobased Building

Net als vorig jaar streek het Design Research & Innovation Festival dit jaar neer in De Effenaar, tijdens de Dutch Design Week. En net als vorig jaar maakten we er - samen met Design United - een hybride en interactief evenement van, waar jij vanuit huis bij aan kon schuiven. Vijf thema's in vijf dagen. Circular & Biobased Building was op dinsdag 19 oktober aan de beurt, van 10.30 - 11.30. Over het ontwerpen van en voor een circulaire economie en tegelijkertijd omgaan met uitdagingen als gezondheid en waardeopschaling, en over het ontwerpen voor visie, verhaal en verlangen.

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Kijk terug: session Circular & Biobased Building

03:52 Tony Schoen - Hogeschool van Amsterdam
18:58 Pascal Leboucq - Embassy of Circular & Biobased Building
34:10 Torsten Schröder - TU Eindhoven
46:44 André Schaminée - TwynstraGudde
01:02:05 VIP gastspreker: Vera Winthagen

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De sprekers van deze themadag:


Tony Schoen (HvA): ‘Circular Wood for the Neighbourhood’
In the project ‘Circular Wood for the Neighbourhood’, the Amsterdam University of Applied Science (AUAS) together with housing corporations, building industry and research investigates how to give new life to used wood that is released during home renovations. In the project, researchers from the Digital Production Research Group use digital design and robotic production to make circular reuse of wood easier and more efficient.

The presentation will focus on one of the case studies in the project, in which designers and engineers at the Robot Studio turn waste wood from a renovation project into meaningful items given back to the tenants in the same project.
Project partners are the housing corporations Ymere and Rochdale, their co-makers Lenferink and Rutges (who take care of the renovation projects), the municipality of Amsterdam, Platform31, Metabolic, TNO, TU Delft, GP Groot and Ter Steege. The project is co-funded by SiA (program RAAK-Publiek).

Pascal Leboucq (Embassy of CBB)
In 2020 we showed with the installation “The Exploded View Methods & Materials” how we want to radically re-examine the realization of a home. In 2021 we will go a step further with The Exploded View Beyond Building. An iconic expo-installation of a full-size house that consists entirely of biobased materials, circular construction methods and stories about the changing value chain of which it is part. It is a plea for upscaling and system change. We visualize the circular living environment in full size and explain how circular and biobased building and design has an impact on much more than the construction sector. Research into the possibilities of new biobased materials with high design quality and circular construction methods such as detachability and modularity remain an important topic. We are expanding our research to a number of relevant topics at the systemic level:

  • Health: From polluted air to breathing homes
  • Agriculture: From agriculture to arable land
  • Neighborhoods of the future: From paved to living neighbourhoods
  • Value: From linear to circular

We also demonstrate the linkage opportunities of biobased construction such as CO2 capture, nitrogen reduction, new business opportunities for agriculture, connecting city and countryside.

We include both professionals and the general public in the results of our search. We tell you what we have discovered, but also what we don’t know yet. We show the possibilities and the pain points. And we invite everyone to think and participate. With the aim of making the conversation “is this possible?” to “how are we going to do this well together?”. In this way we evolve towards a reappraisal of what is of value.

Torsten Schröder: ‘Envisioning circular futures’
In the transition to circular futures it seems difficult to persuade people by policies or facts. But people can be enticed through perspective. In this context storytelling and imagination are crucial tools. This work focuses on scenarios, which are consistent and coherent descriptions of alternative hypothetical futures that reflect different perspectives on past, present, and future developments, which can serve as a basis for action. They create a reality by virtue of their assertion, act upon the world, and might contradict other realities, evoke interest and polarize. Scenarios can play a crucial role to shape potential futures. Scenarios can inspire, envision alternative futures, make them tangible and discussable, help aligning diverse stakeholders around a shared vision, and can contribute to tackle the key challenges ahead.

André Schaminée: 'Design Thinking within the Government'
People tend to believe that a good idea will automatically lead to the desired change. But that is not true.

There aren’t enough instruments and tools where organisations and design intersect. Moreover, there isn’t even a profession of this field of work yet.

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