Dutch Research Agenda

NWA - Getting a grip on juvenile crime

Involvement of adolescents in serious and organised crime. Serious and organised crime is a social problem with huge consequences for society. Preventing adolescents from becoming involved in these types of criminality and developing a criminal career requires insight into the background of the people concerned, the entrance mechanisms and the effectiveness of interventions that play a role in this process.

Little is known about the degree of involvement of young people in serious and organised crime, their background and the entrance mechanisms. Further development of knowledge about the problem and its possible solutions is needed. This call for proposals invites knowledge institutions and civil society parties to submit scientific and practice-oriented research proposals.

The programme ‘Containing juvenile delinquency - involvement of adolescents in serious and organised crime’ has a three-tier goal:

  • Increase insight into the backgrounds and mechanisms that play a role among young people who become involved in serious and organised crime;
  • Increase the possibilities for early detection based on the knowledge obtained;
  • Itemise (active aspects of) existing interventions and develop effective interventions based on this knowledge and on insight into entrance mechanisms.

Budget and duration
A budget of € 2,780,000 is available in this call for proposals for one project with a maximum duration of 4.5 years. This budget is divided over the two phases of the programme as follows:

  • Phase Ia: for this phase, an amount of at least € 100,000 and at most € 200,000 is available. From this budget, a maximum of one proposal can be awarded funding.
  • Phase Ib: for the field consultation between Phase Ia and Phase II, € 5,000 is available (see the description in Section 2.2).
  • Phase II: for this phase, a budget of at least € 1,750,000 and at most € 2,575,040 is available. From this budget, a maximum of one proposal can be awarded funding (more information can be found in Section 2.2).

Submit your proposal before 20 January, 2022.

Thursday 30 September, there's an online matchmaking event for this call.

__For more information, visit the NWO website
