Online matchmaking meeting Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) Call ‘Getting a grip on juvenile crime’

On 30 September 2021, NWO will organise a matchmaking meeting for the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) Call for the research programme Getting a grip on juvenile crime – involvement of adolescents in serious and organised crime. During this meeting you will have the opportunity to meet researchers and civil society partners who are interested in this subject matter and find potential consortium partners.

This matchmaking meeting will be held online on Thursday 30 September from 13:00 - 16:00 hrs. Please register by 24 September via the NWO website.

A programme to make connections
The goal of the matchmaking meeting is to encourage closer cooperation between academic researchers and professionals in the field. During the afternoon, participants can pitch their research ideas and the organisation they work for. They can also explain their requirements for potential consortium partners in more detail. After that, participants can talk to each other either 1-to-1 or in small groups in an online environment.
