New Open Calls KIC 2020-2023

NWO has launched a number of new calls, on prioritised topics from the Knowledge and Innovation Agendas (KIAs) for mission-driven innovation, for researchers in Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities.

For whom
Researchers (Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities) can submit a proposal for collaborative projects with a budget of 750,000 euros to 4 million euros per proposal. Co-financing of projects by private and public parties is mandatory and consists of a cash and in-kind contribution from the partners. The exact submission conditions and deadlines differ per call and can be found on the NWO website.

The Calls
A number of calls are interesting for the creative industries:

  • Access to care in the living environment | Focusing on technological innovations for care in the own living environment | Deadline pre-registration: 24 March, 2022
  • Submersive Crime | To develop knowledge of the foundations, drivers, mechanisms and structures of undermining criminal phenomena, systems, networks and modus operandi | Deadline pre-registration: 21 April, 2022

The creative industries and social challenges
The creative industries is able to develop solutions and interventions for the societal challenges that emerge in the various calls. There is already a broad knowledge base for this.

But the creative industries also need new knowledge. For example in the form of new methods, tools and technologies. We have described this in the roadmaps and the research agenda Key methodologies (KEM agenda). It is interesting for creative companies to participate in research that responds to these needs.
