Key Enabling Methodologies.

__Affordable healthcare, resource and nature conservation, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, affordable and sustainable energy. These are just a small sample of the many societal challenges. Innovative solutions are needed to take targeted action. But how do we develop these solutions and ensure the right social impact? This requires key methodologies.

What are key methodologies?
Key methodologies, also known as Key Enabling Methodologies (KEMs for short), are important groups of methods and tools we can use to address transition issues. They are the tools of the change professional, such as the consultant, designer or architect working to bring about change. KEMs are a tool and they provide guidance, structure and direction in the process that change professionals go through. KEMs tell us how to formulate a common goal, how to achieve that goal and how to develop solutions. By using KEMs in the right way, the solutions developed will lead to the desired impact.

The KEM agenda
There is a large collection of KEMs used by professionals in everyday practice. By researching how they work in different contexts, methods are being honed and further developed. In addition to these improvements, new methods are needed to address today's complex challenges

CLICKNL launches the KEMs website
We are delighted to launch the KEMs website. It aims to inform and inspire creative professionals, clients and policy makers about design methods that contribute to solving societal challenges