
Roadmap VC

The roadmap Value Creation focuses on the knowledge development about the innovation capacity and the value creation methodology in the sector. This roadmap discusses meta questions about ways of organizing work, new business models and changing roles, and their subsequent implications for the competence development of creative professionals.

The changes in society caused by technological and demographic developments and the increasing flexibilization of and insecurity about working conditions have implications for the creative industry. The sector is characterized by a polarized concentration of jobs at very small companies on the one hand, against a number of large ones on the other.

More freelancers have entered the creative industry due to the financial crisis. They often struggle to make ends meet. There is less government support, and still too few alternative structures have been developed to be able to generate other sources of income through entrepreneurial endeavors. Beginning creative professionals therefore face the challenge of having to take more risks while having less oversight of the possible outcomes.

If we were to only build on the traditional role of the creative professional, a lot of opportunities would be missed out on. In the long run this could threaten the survival of the sector; the sector would stagnate and fail to innovate itself. It still is unclear, however, where and how the creative professionals can best realize their added value. It’s also unclear what knowledge and competences from the areas of application and which economic principles of value creation and appropriation the creative professionals will need in the future.

Value Creation

The following meta-themes and questions therefore arise, which can also be used to form a link between the other roadmaps.

New Design Capabilities

  • Which roles and capacities are required for designing within the new ecosystem and which role is relevant when?
  • What degree of insight into the (im)possiblities of technology is vital for the creative professional?

Business Models for Creative Professionals

  • How do you turn the new role of the creative professional into the creation of value?
  • What determines the value of the creative professional in the ecosystem?

Evidence-based Design

  • Which knowledge is needed to increase the predictability of systems, on people and society?
  • Which type of knowledge doesn’t impair the creative professional’s autonomy and rather strengthens his creative potential?

Art and Innovation

  • What’s the essence of design-driven innovation and how can this form of innovation demonstrate its unique value?
  • What role can art and creativity play as (alternative) source of knowledge production?
  • Roadmap

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