Dutch Research Agenda

NWA - Youth and digitalisation

This programme wants to contribute to a better and more integrated understanding of the impact of digitalisation on the well-being, welfare, identity and relationships, and (in)equality of opportunities of children and adolescents.

hildren and adolescents (in this programme: 0 to 18-year-olds) learn and develop in different contexts, relationships and networks. In this programme, the impact of digitalisation will be considered from the perspective of different living environments and the complex interaction between various social contexts in which children and adolescents grow up. These include school, home, neighbourhood, digital environments and communities, and more.

Two issues take centre stage in this programme:

  • The impact of digitalisation on the identity and relationships of children and adolescents, such as the impact on different and possibly changing relationships that children and adolescents have in different offline and digital environments with their peers and with adults who play a role in the growing up or raising of children and adolescents, and the way in which this influences the identity of children and adolescents, for example.
  • The impact of digitalisation on (possibly new forms) of (un)equal opportunities for or social division of children and adolescents.

Budget and duration
For this programme, a budget of €2.575.040 euros is available for a project with a maximum duration of 60 months.

Submit your proposal before 14 December, 2021.

For more information, visit the NWO website
