Circular Design Starter Kit

What is Circular Economy? What is circular design? What are circular examples? What can you get started with? CIRCO is launching a starter kit that answers these questions, among others.

In the starter kit you will also find in-depth coverage of Value Hill, Products that Last and Products that Flow. You'll read about circular design strategies and circular business models. You'll discover some inspiring examples of circular frontrunners. And finally, you'll get answers to the most important question: how can you get started as a designer or entrepreneur yourself?

You have the idea that a circular way of working offers your company new opportunities. You may even already have a concrete circular plan. Now the next step: turning this plan into a product, service and associated business model. This is where terms like value hill, product life cycle and value creation fly around your ears. CIRCO helps you.

Discover the starter kit

CIRCO is a program of CLICKNL that focuses on circular business and design.

Source: Circonnect
