Pilot proposals Coalition for Technology and Inclusion

The Coalition for Technology and Inclusion (CTI) challenges parties to submit proposals for pilots in which technology is used to improve the ability of people with an occupational disability to (continue to) work. Employers, technology developers, educational institutions, people with disabilities and their supporters can now submit a joint proposal for a pilot. This is possible until 24 September, 2021.

In these pilots, technology is used in a work-related practical setting (on the work floor, during an internship, a work-study trajectory, or in the context of reintegration).

Proposals can be submitted for two types of pilots:

  • Pioneer pilots, where newly developed technology is applied (for the first time) in a work-related practice setting for people with disabilities.
  • Growth pilots, in which proven technology is deployed on a larger (regional) scale for several people with disabilities and/or in multiple work-related practice settings.

As a partner of the CTI, UWV makes an amount available for the implementation of the technology in the workplace and for participation in the study. In total, an amount of € 1 million is available for a maximum of 10 pilots. Pilot proposals must be submitted no later than 24 September, 2021.

See the CTI site for more information
