Focus on societal challenges

Crossover call NWO

Consortia can now submit proposals for the NWO crossover program. With the crossover program the NWO funds research in public-private partnerships (PPS) aimed at making a big impact on societal challenges. The studies are to enhance the Dutch knowledge and innovation system. The research themes are designed to bring various top sectors together. The creative industry is also allowed to participate in this call.

NWO encourages scientists from various disciplines to jointly take on big societal challenges and to make the connection with application-oriented research. Broadly assembled interdisciplinary consortia, existing of public and private partners, may submit research initiatives as a coherent proposal. The partners fund half of the initiative, NWO funds the other half. In total, NWO has made 40 million euros available for this call, expecting projects with a size between 10 million and 20 million euros.

Applicants may be researchers from a Dutch university, NWO or KNAW institute, or a knowledge institute recognized by NWO. Consortium partners may come from across society: TO2, applied science universities, businesses (including SMEs), civil organizations, departments, national local or regional governments and other (public) knowledge institutes.

This call is expected to result in:
• research with a significant social and economic impact;
• a stimulus for input from all scientific disciplines;
• a connection with application-oriented research;
• the possible emergence of new research fields.

From September 14, an Expression of Interested can be submitted in ISAAC.

  • Deadline Expression of Interest: 15 November 2018, 14h.
  • Deadline final submission: 21 May 2019, 14h.

The submission of an Expression of Interest is required before entering a final submission.

More information about this call? Visit the NWO website.