RVO calls on companies to develop innovative and new products for the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public sector. You can submit until June 3!

To stimulate and strengthen the innovative power in the public domain around the AI theme as widely as possible is the main purpose of SBIR. With this call, clients want to encourage companies to develop products and services for the government, with the aim that governments will make more use of artificial intelligence. This mainly concerns the connection between the technological solution and the application possibilities at a public party. At the end of this process, you develop and test prototypes in testing ground. In this, it's not the technology that is central but tackling the social challenge. In the field of safety, there are many opportunities. The government can also use AI in other areas, such as in public spaces, the social domain or education. The call is for phase 1: a feasibility study. For an explanation of the phases and the procedure, you can visit the page "How does SBIR work?".

You can submit a quote from April 10, 2019, until June 3, 2019, 13:00 hrs. Your quotation must clearly indicate to which policy field your proposal relates and with which public party you collaborate in the testing ground.

Visit the website of RVO for more information about this call.
