Mediaperspectives - Coverstories

One of the main objectives of CLICKNL is to increase the number of companies in the creative industry branches that participate in innovation-oriented projects and partnerships. The MIT Innovation Brokers scheme is a response to this. This yielded beautiful cases and results! Read more about CoverStories, aided by MediaPerspectives here.

Innovation brokers were deployed for SME entrepreneurs who are part of the Media Perspectives Network, supplemented with “potentials” from other networks.
The following question was central to all SMEs: how can I make my products and services (better) suitable for media companies? This question was addressed in individual conversations and joint sessions.


The end of ugly advertorials>

CoverStories wants to rid the world of “ugly advertorials and confusing advertisements”. They do this by integrating branded content into online news media. That is slightly different than what we are used to. We often see disguised advertisements on websites, which do not look very visually attractive and mainly serve as clickbait. The origin and relevance are often hard to find. CoverStories does this slightly differently. The brand is clearly visible and serves as a proud sender.

Branded content?
CoverStories provides branded content. This can be in the form of an article with photos or video. This will then be distributed in a visually appealing manner. So instead of a vague story, you get an animated cover, which is visible in full screen with a click of a mouse.
Are you curious about the result?

Read more about the success story of CoverStories, or check the CoverStories website.