BUAS Pilot Low Contact Events

Breda University of Applied Science (BUas) is a knowledge and educational institute associated with research initiated from Fieldlab Events. The scope in this experimental study is visitor dynamics during events and serves as support and substantiation of the influence of visitor dynamics on possible contamination risk. The reason for deepening this building block lies in the influence of visitor dynamics on the contamination risk of the Covid-19 virus.

The research
In the study, interactions are categorised according to the risk of the interaction. The aim of the main research from Fieldlab Events is to map the contamination risks of events, to compare them with other situations and to put together a set of measures to organise future events in a responsible manner, while abandoning the social distancing measures.

During the pilot events, (anonymous) data will be collected regarding visitor dynamics. Different types of events are being investigated. In addition, various measures and/or interventions are also being tested in so-called “bubbles”. The impact of these measures and/or interventions will be analysed on the basis of the average number of unique contacts per visitor (per contact category if possible), the visitor flows and the visitor density.

Project budget €865,000, whereby €250,000 PPS allowance is used.

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