Open call: Digitisation in healthcare

This call focuses on the ethical, legal and professional issues and dilemmas surrounding the influence of clinical decision support systems on the doctor-patient relationship, with an emphasis on joint decision-making. The call text contains a number of relevant research questions that must be investigated. In addition, an end product must be developed on the basis of a normative ethical analysis that meets the wishes, requirements and expectations of the end user. This end product should enable them to deal responsibly with the perceived ethical issues or dilemmas and thus be able to improve their work practice and/or policy.

Who can apply?
Dutch research organisation(s) within the meaning of EU state aid law can claim (part of) the subsidy. The Dutch research organisation is required to act as the main applicant. In addition, the participation of party(ies), as described in the call text below, is mandatory. The project group has a sufficiently interdisciplinary approach. There is sufficient knowledge and experience with health law, health ethics, joint decision-making and digitisation in healthcare. In addition, stakeholder participation from the outset (i.e. writing the application) is mandatory. Collaboration between college and university is encouraged.

A maximum of € 200,000 is available for this round. A maximum of one research project will be awarded. The term is a maximum of 2 years.

You can submit your subsidy application via Mijn ZonMw until 15 February 2022, 14.00.

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